So long for now, Canada!

September 26th, 2 days later than I had planned to begin my drive back to Mexico. I have been mired in a long and far too drawn-out court case with an ex-employer and after the trial, I had to wait until the 26th for the verdict, which I was granted attendance by phone, thankfully. I won and did so without question.  And with that, I was gleefully on the first leg of my journey.   It was an absolutely gorgeous day at the lake.  The lake where I spent my summer living in a small trailer on my parent’s property.…

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The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed
Cat love <3

I have arrived!  It's all still very surreal, so at the moment I am just going through the motions. Maybe it's the extra baggage of hurt feelings past, present & future I arrived with. Maybe it's because I failed to eat today.  I'm not a breakfast eater unless someone makes me bacon. Otherwise, late lunch, several small snacks and with any luck, a dinner that counts! Mexico does have several familiar drive-thru's but there is rarely much on the menu I want to eat (other than the hand-breaded chicken strips @ Carls Jr...Holy socks, those are good! Unhealthy, but amazing!),…

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Introduction To Solo Adventures

Welcome to my latest adventure: Taking the scenic route from BC to Los Ayala!   I have already driven almost 4000kms, and have 2000 more ahead of me, and what an adventure it has been!   I will do my best to describe my journey to you, but really, it needs to be experienced.     Let me start by saying I am well aware I experience life differently than most.  I have no kids, no partner, and I work online so ‘home’ is wherever I am.   I’m not special, extraordinary, nor brave.  I just made different choices, though…

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That Time I Drove To Mexico

Mostly rested, and ready to hit the road again…this time, crossing into Mexico!! Thankfully, Cathy & Richard took really good care of me.  I needed not just the sleep, but the time to take a step back from everything and just really enjoy the company of friends.  I’d been on autopilot for weeks, it seemed, and this was some much needed down-time.  The cats were also really enjoying a break from the road.  With a beautiful yard, safely fenced to keep cats in and other critters out, I think they were quite happy there.  I did feel a shred of…

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Nevada, Arizona, More Aliens

Still with me?  I know I’m slow with the updates but am on Mexican time now, so is the internet!  Not to mention I was on the wrong time entirely for a good while…not sure for how long!  More on that later.. So I roll into Ely, NV just after 10pm after surviving the encounter at the Mystery Motel of Doom and Axe Murderers which my parents might never forgive me for…(oops…hehe). First things first…WINE!  I have been spotting it at gas stations everywhere super cheap, but decided to just wait until I had arrived.  The Shell station has a…

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BC to Ely, NV: Aliens, Fog & Cat Fights!

Things are getting coconutty up in here!  I have successfully arrived in Mexico! This has been an absolute whirlwind adventure so far.  I’ve pushed myself mentally and physically far beyond my comfort zone and have been riding on an adrenaline high for what feels like weeks! As I frantically scrambled to tie up loose ends on my way out of the country, I found there were some I couldn’t take care of right away; so as I was making my way to the Osoyoos border, I had to make several pit-stops.  2 post office stops, and one at a courthouse…

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Up next: Mexico!!

November 30, 2017 Welcome back to Campfires & Coconuts!  As you are about to read, there have not exactly been any documented campfires, but there is going to be.  And hold on to your hats, ladies and gents, because there is about to be a LOT more coconuts!! For those who have inquired about the final leg of my SEA adventure, I do still have the notes and I do still plan to finish it; but right now…..MEXICO!  Yep. Tacos & sunshine are up next except this time, it isn’t a whirlwind adventure.  This time it’s more of a slow-burn…

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