2021 – Campfires & Coconuts https://campfiresandcoconuts.com Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:38:07 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 The Campfire To My Coconut https://campfiresandcoconuts.com/the-campfire-to-my-coconut/ https://campfiresandcoconuts.com/the-campfire-to-my-coconut/#respond Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:28:18 +0000 http://campfiresandcoconuts.com/?p=397 After a rather extensive hiatus on writing, I am finally getting back to something I truly enjoy.  The adventures, however, haven’t stopped.  Oh hell no!  

For those who might recall, I left my amusingly single life in Mexico to follow my heart to my hometown.  It’s been over 2 years since the big move, and life has been a heck of a ride – just now I’m not just “me”, but also a “we”.

Right now, I’m at one of my favourite spots along one of my favourite hiking trails.  I’ve chosen this spot because it is, and always has been, a place of great reflection.  I have been here countless times in attempt to solve the riddles of my reserved yet reckless heart.

I’m hunkered down at the river’s edge with a rather extensive picnic. The leaves are giving the sun a glimpse of my whereabouts, tiny moving windows of warmth on my otherwise shady perch. The smell of cold water & wild roses is grounding, like a gravitational pull, the scent stirring up so many memories. But this time I’m not seeking answers.  This time I’m simply here because it’s exactly where I’d like to be at this moment.  Right here, there is nowhere I need to be, no one I need to talk to, and nothing I need to do. Right here, all 5 senses are tingling with delight (Seriously!  You should see this picnic!)

Moving back to Canada to be with the one I love promised to be the greatest adventure yet!  It is a story without an end, but it isn’t my story alone to share.  In being conscious of the one with whom I share my life, I haven’t been keeping up with my love for documenting our wild & wonderful times, and I haven’t really had a lot of my own.

So, this weekend, I chose to take a step back from the I that is “we”, and reconnect with the I that is “me”.

While the fun has really been non-stop from the beginning, I find this to be an appropriate time to begin sharing again.  Covid was certainly no rain on our parade but it has given way for desires other than coconuts.

However, there are and will be, plenty of campfires, as well as fish & chips, icebergs and Screech.  Definitely some bikes in there. Probably a lot of other rad stuff too.

And now, with my Love’s blessing, I present to you: Campfires & Coconuts 2.0: The O-Kay Adventures, featuring Johnny O & Amy Kay.

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